Warning of fraudulent conduct - misuse of data of our law firm and our colleague JUDr. Jakub Lichnovský

We would like to bring to your attention that there are currently ongoing fraudulent attempts involving the distribution of email messages in our name. These emails falsely claim violations of intellectual property rights and do not originate from our law firm (an example of such communication is provided below). The fraudsters are using various outgoing email addresses that are clearly not associated with our law firm, and are falsely representing our firm, specifically our colleague JUDr. Jakub Lichnovský. Our law firm has no connection to these activities and expressly disassociates itself from them.

If you encounter such activities, we strongly advise against engaging in any communication with these fraudsters or opening any attachments in these messages. If you have any doubts about whether a communication addressed to you genuinely originates from our law firm, or if you have any concerns or queries regarding the aforementioned, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time via telephone on +420 221 430 111 or via email at prague@prkpartners.com.